Absolute Josh Hartnett

The premiere fan-managed social network for Josh! Founded December 26, 1998

So I was thinking about Josh the other day, and wondering what it was "specifically", that I like about him. Now keep in mind that his looks are a product of his mom and dad (who we thank every day, for this gift - tee hee), so no liking him for just his looks - too obvious!!!

So tell me what you like, or don't like (yea right!), or even if you could talk to him what would you ask?

I'm still thinking, so I'll get back to you soon....

Talk to me people!!

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Oh my God...! Latest news... I went on youtube searching something about resurrecting and I've found the 11th parts of the movie subtitolated in spanish (a language that I have stuedied...) and, step by step, I start to download it...
I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These is the site if you want see it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSI4vie9qxU

Bye and Kiss - Chiara
That's Awesome Chiara!
Hi! I live in Switzerland and most of the time I order the movies with Josh at www.amazon.com. I prefer seeing the movie in its original language. Was great to get AUGUST and Res. the Champ:o)

ara said:
Hi annie, yeah he's probably filming and I'll just hold on to your promise that we will him soon. Its just so sad that i wasn't able to watch resurrecting the champ and lucky # slevin. Do you know where i can find the dvds?

Really my day wasn't complete w/o checking him on the net.
I really love him.
Janny that was where I got all of my Josh movies also! Can't wait to add I come with the rain to my collection! (and if possible - Member)! I love listening to the commentaries and behind the scenes clips!
heeey guys....miss you all so much, miss Josh, too...
his last film I watched was Wicker Park, though I've watching it for....well, countless time, heuheu...
how are ypu guys doin'?
Hey Reize, I'm good! and I'm with you on the countless times I've watched Wicker Park also! I love that movie!

Reiza Hartnett said:
heeey guys....miss you all so much, miss Josh, too...
his last film I watched was Wicker Park, though I've watching it for....well, countless time, heuheu...
how are ypu guys doin'?
If I ever meet Joshua (I prefer call him on he's full first name ) I won't yell..."WOW I near you Josh!!!" ...he's probably would think that I'm crazy ...so ...all I'm saying I would say " Good job ...you doing great ...you make your fans happy ...it's really nice !! And you're very nice person for making your fans happy !! Keep working ...and take care of course ...after that I'd prefer ...you know it's my dreams )) but I really want to be friends with him !! So I would tell him this ...))
If i will met someday Josh Hartnett I will pray to have my camera with me to make a picture. I am not exactly sure wath to say to him, buth i supose i will tell that i like him, his movies and to take care of his looks more when he appers at public events, because i saw some pictures with him at some events and i did not like that.
I m his fan.
This is one of the pictures that i don t like with josh
Annie, you're absoluttily right when you say his all nice figure it's a gift of her mother and father.Cause that we cann't stay focus only the appearence just too the years go and go and Josh will be an old man and not so handsome like now. Cause of this the important think is your awesome talent like an actor. That, the time goes by and his awesome talent does'nt finish. Only grow up and up. But at the present moment JOSH is too beautifull. A lot of. The most beautifull in the world. All of his figure. All. I think Josh maybe be tired of hear he is wonderfull at all. Kiss for you... Lenita.. Brasil..
all people know josh is very handsome and hot, but I like how he makes his roles, he makes perfect the most difficult role and.. he's fantastic.
His smile... is the most beutiful smile that I have seen in all my life... I love him.
yeahh, I watched it subtitolated in spanish there hehe =)

Chiara said:
Oh my God...! Latest news... I went on youtube searching something about resurrecting and I've found the 11th parts of the movie subtitolated in spanish (a language that I have stuedied...) and, step by step, I start to download it...
I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These is the site if you want see it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSI4vie9qxU

Bye and Kiss - Chiara
cool, fresh, shy, well-looking, handsome, cute, wild, young, awesome, amazing, attractive, lovely, etc, etc....my God, i cant finish my list to describe my Joshyyyyyy


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