Absolute Josh Hartnett

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I think in pearl harbor,faculty,black dalia.
What do you think?

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His best role... In the meanwhile he already did so many movies... but I think if I have to choose one, I would choose the role in "Wicker Park, The Black Dahlia, Pearl Harbor and Lucky number Slevin. Sorry. I cant choose just one!!! ;o) I hardly can wait to see his next movie. Been too long! Oh, I almost forgot Black Hawk Down! He is an unbelievable good and handsome actor. Would be nice to get to know him better as the person Joshua Daniel Hartnett, but I think he doing well keeping his privat life privat.
yes, it's difficult to pick only one role\character...! so Janny, I'm with you he's an incredible actor! Very good!!!

Janny said:
His best role... In the meanwhile he already did so many movies... but I think if I have to choose one, I would choose the role in "Wicker Park, The Black Dahlia, Pearl Harbor and Lucky number Slevin. Sorry. I cant choose just one!!! ;o) I hardly can wait to see his next movie. Been too long! Oh, I almost forgot Black Hawk Down! He is an unbelievable good and handsome actor. Would be nice to get to know him better as the person Joshua Daniel Hartnett, but I think he doing well keeping his privat life privat.
i think his best role was in lucky number vslevin and wicker park.unbellievable.....

Chiara said:
yes, it's difficult to pick only one role\character...! so Janny, I'm with you he's an incredible actor! Very good!!!

Janny said:
His best role... In the meanwhile he already did so many movies... but I think if I have to choose one, I would choose the role in "Wicker Park, The Black Dahlia, Pearl Harbor and Lucky number Slevin. Sorry. I cant choose just one!!! ;o) I hardly can wait to see his next movie. Been too long! Oh, I almost forgot Black Hawk Down! He is an unbelievable good and handsome actor. Would be nice to get to know him better as the person Joshua Daniel Hartnett, but I think he doing well keeping his privat life privat.
pearl harbor
and i think danny's dead was stupid
he shouldn't die
Vanessa, eu penso como você. Danny não deveria ter morrido, em Pearl Harbor, porque Evelyn já o amva. E, com a convivência, viria a amá-lo muito mais porque Danny era mais inteligente, interessante, awesome do que Rafe, que, por sinal, já hava morrido. Tinha que morrer again. Mas é que na época do filme, quem estava uptodate era Ben Affleck. E, só porisso, êle ficou vivo. Se fôsse hoje, Danny não morreria. Também acho estupidez êle ter morrido ali, na praia, depois de ter nadado tanto, quando já tinha superado quase tudo.....

vanessa xavier de andrade said:
pearl harbor
and i think danny's dead was stupid
he shouldn't die
Eu não consigo escolher um role sòmente, entre tantos que JOSH fez e que eu acabo achando pouco, ainda. Em cada um JOSH se transforma tanto em seu role playng, performance, que acabo gostando de todos. Mas, tenho um carinho especial por PARL HARBOR, êle era bem novinho e foi o first film que assisti com êle. Fiquei muito impressionada com a atuação de JOSH. Awesome.But The rescue of a champion também gosto mutíssimo. è dos poucos em que Josh não pega em arma. I love 40 dias e 40 noites. JOSH está muito, muito awesome in that film. JOSH deveria fazer mais comédias. êle tem um bom timingpara comédia de humor fino.Não escrachado.Todas as vezes que vejo 40 dias e 40 noitesmedivirto muito. So, in fact, não sei escolher o melhor deles.Dhália é maravilhoso e XEQUE MATE nem se fala, com Lucy Liu.
why he change his girlfriends so fast??????

mina said:
i think his best role was in lucky number vslevin and wicker park.unbellievable.....
Chiara said:
yes, it's difficult to pick only one role\character...! so Janny, I'm with you he's an incredible actor! Very good!!!

Janny said:
His best role... In the meanwhile he already did so many movies... but I think if I have to choose one, I would choose the role in "Wicker Park, The Black Dahlia, Pearl Harbor and Lucky number Slevin. Sorry. I cant choose just one!!! ;o) I hardly can wait to see his next movie. Been too long! Oh, I almost forgot Black Hawk Down! He is an unbelievable good and handsome actor. Would be nice to get to know him better as the person Joshua Daniel Hartnett, but I think he doing well keeping his privat life privat.

yes, it's difficult to pick only one role but I think if I have to choose one, I would choose the role in Mozart & the Whale, 

this role considerably seems to me differs from all other roles and this role is very difficult, he played perfectly!


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