I love his eyes because it's really expressive, and the way he made himself a different personality while acting...by the way I havent watch many Josh's movie, but my fave so far is Pearl Harbor..
Hai Reiza, maaf sekian lama tak membalas comment mu, salam kenal lagi ya Reiza, gw kuliah semester 8 sekarang which means that I'm doing my thesist. Jurusan apa ne Re?
Berarti kamu teh udah jd Sarjana kan sekarang? hehehe
Selamat yaaa?
Saya di Jakarta, kuliah di iBii jurusan Marketing Communication.
Btw saya belum ntn semua film Josh, mungkin kamu bisa bantu rekomendasi filmnya yg top? Thanks
May 3, 2009
Indra Wijaya
Berarti kamu teh udah jd Sarjana kan sekarang? hehehe
Selamat yaaa?
Saya di Jakarta, kuliah di iBii jurusan Marketing Communication.
Btw saya belum ntn semua film Josh, mungkin kamu bisa bantu rekomendasi filmnya yg top? Thanks
Mar 9, 2010
Oak♥Josh so mush!!
where do you live?
Jul 18, 2010