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josh hartnett: 'Ottoman officer' preparing for the big screen

Stephen, one of the producers of the Ottoman officer in the film, "Brown said so far no one handling the First World Eastern Anatolia, taking issue during the war, what happened and Turkey respects the common suffering of both Armenian and we wanted to provide an unbiased manner to the audience," he said

First World War through the eyes of a nurse telling Americans what happened in eastern Anatolia during the Ottoman Officer film was completed. This year will be released in the starring Oscar-winning Ottoman Officer actor Ben Kingsley (Gandhi, Schindler's List), Josh Hartnett (Black Hawk Down, Pearl Harbor), Hera Hilmar (Anna Karenina, Da Vinci's Demons), Michiel Huisman (Game of Thrones) and Haluk Bilginer share. Directed by Joseph Ruben (Sleeping with the Enemy, The Forgotten), and the screenplay Jeff Stockwell (Bridge to Terabithia, The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys) shooting in the Czech Republic are the producers, Cappadocia and was held in Istanbul.

Ottoman officer, who was disappointed because of injustices country, American doctors Jude (Hartnett) after meeting with leaving the United States to task in his Ottoman empire, which is an idealistic young woman Lillie's (Hilmar) tells the story. Lillie, Ottoman officer in an environment where all the world's dragged into war with Ismail (Huisman) falls in love. With the worsening of conditions with no more war Lillie, it is for him, or did you have to decide to live for others. 1915 Van Stephen Brown from the makers of the Ottoman Officer movie (The Devil's Advocate, Seven) "So far, nobody's Eastern Anatolia, taking issue during the First World War it take, of what happened and Turkey respects the common suffering of both Armenians and to provide an unbiased manner to the audience We wanted, "he said. A co-production of Film Production and Es Ottoman Officer of the North American premiere will be held in Los Angeles.


translated English Turkish


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Comment by paula on November 2, 2016 at 5:56am
Comment by paula on October 5, 2016 at 5:24am
Comment by paula on October 5, 2016 at 4:53am

Josh Hartnett fans will reunite with him as Jude with his role of the American Doctor in the movie.


Comment by paula on September 19, 2016 at 9:02am
Comment by paula on September 9, 2016 at 9:57pm
Comment by paula on September 9, 2016 at 9:16am

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