What do GACKT, Woody Harrelson being back behind a bar, and genre fav Ron F'in' Perlman have in common? They all appear in
Bunraku which premieres tonight at the Ryerson. Check out
this post for ways to get tickets. Fight choreographer Larnell Stovall said it was described to him as
"'Moulin Rouge' with fighting.'" and Colin has described it as "...
a cross between MMA and Cirque du Soleil!”
This flick is so hot that Entertainment Weekly has a
write-up based on just a batch of 4 stills. Join us and the rest of the
Dears (you know who you are!) tonight.
Bunraku screens:
Saturday September 11th 11:59PM Ryerson
Tuesday September 14th 10:15PM Scotiabank Theater 2
Friday September 17th 5:00PM Scotiabank Theater 2
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