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I Come with the Rain has been released on DVD in New Zealand on September 13, 2010 by local distributor Vendetta Films. Hailing from acclaimed French-Vietnamese director Ahn Hyun Tran, the film is a neo-noir thriller that brings together top stars from America (Josh Hartnett) and Asia (Lee Byung Hun, Takuya Kimura).

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Comment by André on September 26, 2010 at 2:36pm
You’re welcome and thanks for your nice words, Olivier. Well I guess it is his private matter who he is banging or not lol and I’m really more interested in his movies. For me it is not important how an actor looks, whether he has a pretty face or not. All that counts is, if the actor is able to convince me in a role or if he is able to interest me for the way he is going in the industry. I also like Ben Kingsley for example and I think he is pretty ugly but that’s not important, he is simply a brilliant actor. Acting has nothing to do with good or bad looking.

Josh convinced me with “Lucky Number Slevin” back in 2007 which is one of my all time favorite movies. I watch new films daily so that means something lol. Nearly everything is perfect in this movie: acting, story, settings, dialogues (oooh I love them^^), the well executed twist at the end and much more. One reason why I was not able to predict the end was Josh’s believability in his role, I never thought Josh/Slevin is capable to do sth. like that, although the idea of creating a twist around the main character is nothing new. So it was also Josh’s performance which made this experience possible for me. Then I simpy had to add the guy with the main part in the film to my “favorite-actor-list”, pretty face or not lol...

After that I read a bit about Josh and somehow he impressed me with the decisions he made. To step back from Hollywood although it was possible for him to start a big Hollywood career and stuff like this. It is obvious that he wants to be seen as an actor and not as bedtime candy (the time of “Pearl Harbor”) and he tries everything now to realize it. It is also obvious that Josh looks better than many other people but as said, it doesn’t say anything about his personality or acting qualities and people shouldn’t judge him by that. He is on an interesting way in the Indie-branch and he really has guts to try this difficult way and to experiment with something new, in Hollywood would be no space for that. These are some reasons why I’m a fan of Josh now, he is an interesting character somehow...
Comment by Olivier on September 25, 2010 at 5:48pm
Thanks André for the info. It's so rare to find a Hartnett's fan who has a clue how the movie industry works. Actually you are a male, so I guess you are not interested in Josh's good look or which brainless blonde models he is banging... Lol.
Comment by André on September 25, 2010 at 3:39pm
It seems probable that they simply pushed back the Blu-Ray and DVD Release from November to the beginning of 2011 and there will be simply nothing in November. Sure is: The guys of Planet Media Home Entertainment own the German rights for ICWTR and Ascot Elite will distribute it for them on DVD and Blu-Ray. So there will be some information of the German ICWTR release here soon: http://www.ascot-elite.de/
I have some experience with Ascot, they always distribute DVD and Blu-Ray at the same time, so there is no problem for people who are not able to play a Blu-Ray. A theatrical release is maybe unlikely, because I never saw an Ascot-title in cinema so far, except on film-festivals.
Comment by Erik on September 25, 2010 at 3:59am
france dvd ??? PLEASE
Comment by Olivier on September 24, 2010 at 3:10pm
I don't know anything new about Germany yet. Where did you read the film will be getting a theater release apparently in november and the dvd will be out in february ?

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