Absolute Josh Hartnett

The premiere fan-managed social network for Josh! Founded December 26, 1998

A new vid about the making of the film has just been released in Korea. Josh gives his impressions about shooting in Mindanao (Philippines).

Be patient it may take a little bit of time for the vid to buffer. It all depends in which part of the world you are living and the quality of the Internet access you are using.

Okay, here is the precious LINK

Enjoy Josh's impressions !

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Comment by Paige on October 3, 2009 at 5:03pm
I got to see the video on my sister's computer. I like to see details of the making of the film. It's interesting.
Comment by Paige on October 3, 2009 at 8:56am
About the fat thing, he's been on vacation all year. He's been drinking beer, partying, and then getting up and eating lunch with friends. He's gained some weight. I think once he goes back to work it will come off. It must be nice to get a year off from work.
Comment by Paige on October 3, 2009 at 8:22am
I agree with Aloha. There are different dress codes. Thursday night's dress code wasn't all that dressy because it wasn't a huge affair with huge money involved. And it's probably what they perferred since it was their baby.
Comment by Olivier on October 3, 2009 at 6:19am
Aloha you are so funny sometimes ... You set Sam Rosen as an example. Sam Rosen as far as the movie industry goes is a Nobody; Check his file, "Nobody" is actually the first film that has been theatrically released. Okay for now in 1 theater but still. You are delighted that Josh is going to have a cameo in your dear Sam's next movie. Sure, that's a big step FORWARD for Josh. The director of this flick was a cameraman for Nobody. He has never directed a film before. I understand they need Josh's name to try to sell the flick when it will be completed; You have simply no idea at all how ferocious the movie industry is (but who care ? Josh is so hot !). Josh will end up like a has been nobody faster than you breathe. But at least he will have your everlasting devotion. WOW...

Let's face it. "I Come With The Rain" has not yet been released in Europe & North America because the distributors think that Josh won't attract the crowds. And since his Asian counterparts in the movie are not well known outside Asia, that is it. Josh is already a non wanted commodity. Why do you think he was kicked out the Rum Diaries project. Wy do you think Oliver Stone hire Shia LaBoeuf to star in Wall Street 2. Josh would have been perfect for the part and he knows very well Stone. But he is not bankable any more so the producers just say no.

June, I think Josh will dress up at the premiere but for the other promotionnal activities he will once again wear his usual "retarded uniform" like he did in Japan. Hopefully the promotion of the film in Korea is centered on Lee Byung-hun. This man is in a league on his own. A true professional. No wonder he has become so successful lately. Check this out : http://joongangdaily.joins.com/article/view.asp?aid=2910793
Lee is the only member of the cast who take full advantage of the release of ICWTR in Korea to boost its career further more. Josh is just part of the background. Remember he heavily communicated on the fact that he is the one who invited Josh to attend the PIFF. In other words, he did a favor to Josh. But some people will tell you it does not matter, Josh is so laid back anyway, as far as he is happy with his pals from Minnesota. Well, it is true it is so much fun to be viewed as a loser ...
Comment by Camino on October 3, 2009 at 2:01am
Aloha, you always get so defensive! Olivier, was just stating his opinion, you stated yours, I will state mine & so on...
IMO, I would like to see Josh wear a different cut/brand of jeans. The rest of it, I am un-opinionated on.
His hair, I believe Olivier was referring to the length of it, not the balding (you & I have argued over that many times & we have opposite opinions about that, but that's okay!).
As far as him not dressing up for this premiere, well it's his hometown & he feels comfortable & just gets be himself there. However, I do expect him to dress up for the Korean premiere. I agree that it would be in bad taste if he does not.
Comment by Olivier on October 2, 2009 at 11:31pm
Well I saw some pics flying around. I'm so upset ... I don't think being a fan of someone implies that you must blind yourself. I cannot believe Josh once again came to Nobody premiere dressed like a homeless. So basically Josh has 1 pair of trousers, 1 pair of shoes, 1 belt, 1 jacket. He has forgotten the meaning of the verb TO SHAVE. He is fat like a pig. His hair (well what is left of it) looks just like shit. His face has never been so goofy. I wonder if he wash himself actually ... How much I fear that he will present himself in Korea in the same "uniform". The Asians are so classy. Lee Byung-hun & Takuya Kimura will look gorgeous as usual. Something is very wrong with Josh. It is not suprising he is not working on big budget projects any more. Why on earth would top Hollywood producers hire an actor who will promote their movie dress like an homeless. Come on.
Comment by Camino on October 2, 2009 at 9:42pm
Patience grasshopper!
Comment by Olivier on October 2, 2009 at 3:40pm
I am pleased Aloha that this time it seems you had less difficulties to get the vid play.
Btw girls, where the hell are pics of Josh from Nobody Premiere. I know we are all working for a living, but I thought you were keeping an eye on that matter ...
Comment by Camino on October 2, 2009 at 2:39pm
Thank you Olivier! This is one of those videos where you can't get any screen caps, only a black screen.

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