Josh Hartnett can't hide -- not dressing the way he does. The Minnesota-raised movie star and producer apparently thought he could hide outside Barbette in plain sight.
U medical school student Julia Morrow tells me that her friend Gina posted a tidbit on Facebook.com about Hartnett being spotted recently at 112 Eatery. "She had chickened out from saying hi," Morrow said in an e-mail. "Immediately I wrote her that 'I would have gone up to him.'"
Hours later, Morrow, who had just returned from LA, where she spent the previous six weeks interviewing and working at a hospital, decided she was in the mood for some of those famous Barbette fries. "On my way out with my fries, I spotted him (around 10:30 p.m.) in a similar outfit to what he was wearing when my brother [What's up! Jake Morrow] met [Hartnett] years ago -- zipped up hoodie, plain hat, thick rimmed black glasses. He was outside with a girl, at least one of them was smoking..."
Ah, did the future doctor, now interviewing in Minnesota and California for a residency, say what all smokers need to be told? "I usually do, but I refrained from lecturing Josh Hartnett," she said, laughing. "I have been known to lecture smokers when I'm out on the town."
Returning to the celebrity sighting, Morrow said, she stopped when she saw Hartnett and asked whether she could take a picture with him. "He definitely seemed very surprised/speechless that I recognized him!" she wrote.
Morrow suggested they step away from Barbette's window to diminish calling attention to the photographic moment, and a girl in the company of Hartnett agreed to take the picture. "He said Sure and immediately put his arm around me to take the picture. The girl couldn't figure out my iPhone and the picture turned out blurry, but I thanked them and left."
She wasn't gone long. Morrow rushed to her nearby apartment, "grabbed my disposable camera" and returned to Hartnett, apologizing and asking for another shot at a focused photo...
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