Absolute Josh Hartnett

The premiere fan-managed social network for Josh! Founded December 26, 1998

An exert from a sighting...

"Right after we ordered I looked up to see an attractive guy with dark hair and thick glasses chat to
another person about his dog. My jaw dropped open when I realized who it

Soj looked at me.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

I just moved my face to follow my eyes, and she did and her mouth dropped open.

Then Laura and Lauren asked us what's wrong, and their heads swiveled around.

"Josh Hartnett!"

Soj and I just nodded. He had walked in with his black and white dog
(who looks like the dog from the Rascals) and I believe his current
girlfriend. I must say, I loved his outfit. He was styled really well
in a blue cardigan, and he had the thick-rimmed, geek-chic glasses that
pulled off his look. Whoever is styling him is doing an amazing job.
He and his girlfriend took a seat to the right of us, and I spent the
rest of the time trying to ignore the celebrity. Though I definitely
could hear the conversation between Hartnett and the waiter, including
that he's headed out on Tuesday to shoot a movie in Europe for three
Oh what a life he must lead.

Full story here: http://www.notesbyspark.com/2010/08/great-foodcelebrity-sitings.html

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Comment by Olivier on September 5, 2010 at 9:16am
The "Chris" who is referred in this tweet is "Chris Pine".
Comment by Camino on September 4, 2010 at 9:28am
Possible movie Josh might be filming, AFTER BUNRAKU PREMIERE...???
Via twitter: Chris in town. About to head to Bribane and India to film period piece with Josh Hartnett. They play brothers. Sounds like a good one.
(Josh is also attached to star in Chris Nahon's post-apocalyptic revenge tale "Gunslinger.")
Comment by Camino on August 29, 2010 at 9:55am
You also have to remember this is just gossip...we will have to wait & see what happens!
Comment by Camino on August 29, 2010 at 9:42am
I think it would be foolish, if he does not attend the premiere! Bunraku needs all the promotion & help it can get...to be distributed & make money!
Comment by Camino on August 29, 2010 at 9:31am
Hopefully we will find out more, from one of the Bunraku premiere interviews!?

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