Absolute Josh Hartnett

The premiere fan-managed social network for Josh! Founded December 26, 1998


Jailoshini Naidoo grew up in Chatsworth, South Africa, and schooled at Southlands Secondary School in Havenside. ” My love for drama and performance started there when an educator called Jenny Somasundram introduced me to it, sharing her skill and passion for the subject with me on an extra curricular level, High School was wonderful, I transformed into one of the popular girls, achieving academically and in extra-curricular activities. It was through these interactions that my passion for drama developed. I threw myself into school concerts, writing, directing and performing in plays at our concerts each year. I took to drama like a duck to water and I felt in my element. It was the sage advice from my father, who stressed the importance of an education and career, and being independent, that motivated my decision to enter the teaching profession.”

Her tertiary education was completed at the then University of Durban-Westville, where she enrolled for a Bachelor of Paedagogics ( B.Paed degree ) with English, Speech and Drama and Education as her major subjects. “The Drama Department at UDW fast became my 2nd home. I spent every minute of my spare time there either rehearsing, performing or just hanging around there, taking in the feel of the theatre and learning whatever I could. I loved everything about the theatre. It was quite addictive. My parents soon became accustomed to me arriving home in the early hours of the morning almost throughout the year as I moved from one production into the next. My dad’s initial reprimanding about me having so little time to sleep or rest usually fell on deaf ears and he finally gave up, or should I say, “gave in” and accepted my crazy hours.”

Full article (her resume is on the very last page) : COVER_PG_10_17.pdf

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