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John Horn from the Los Angeles Times caught up with Robert Rodriguez on Monday to talk about the success of "The Expendables" and the epic fail of "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" at the box office and the conversation turned toward the filmmaker's own plans.

Robert Rodriguez sounds like he's drawing a bead on "Deadpool." But will he pull the trigger?

“It’s a great script and a great property,” an enthusiastic Rodriguez said of the Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick screenplay that would bring the "merc with the mouth" from Marvel Comics to the screen in his own film adventure.

Rodriguez says he has been in meetings with Twentieth Century Fox about directing the film, which, presumably, would star Ryan Reynolds, who portrayed the glib gunman "X-Men Origins: Wolverine." Reynolds is becoming a major player in comic-book cinema considering his roles in next year's "Green Lantern" film, the planned "R.I.P.D." adaptation as well as his work in the "Blade" franchise.

Rodriguez, who just finished the final sound mix of "Machete," sounded gung ho about "Deadpool" but added that he is still debating his next project. “I’m just working everything out,” Rodriguez said, noting that he is choosing between three options for his next directing job. He said one is the long-discussed "Sin City 2" but he declined to name the other, though it could be "Nerveracker," a far-future thriller that was announced last year but hasn't moved as quickly as anticipated.

Source: Los Angeles Times

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Comment by Olivier on August 27, 2010 at 7:36pm
Chris Gordon via Twitter: "HEY ROSARIO How R U Today?? Is There Gonna B a Sin City 2???"
source: http://twitter.com/fade2black21/status/22303603622
Rosario Dawson via Twitter: "I hope so. Robert [Rodriguez] & I just talked about it & he assured me that it's going to happen...soon hopefully...!"
source: http://twitter.com/rosariodawson/status/22309704920

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