Absolute Josh Hartnett

The premiere fan-managed social network for Josh! Founded December 26, 1998

HARTNETT walks down the hall, you can hear him coming. That’s not because he’s yapping up a storm, and no, he doesn’t have some particularly noisy piece of clothing on. You hear Josh Hartnett coming because when he walks down the hall, he demands attention. People see him coming. People introduce themselves. And he responds, jovially. Hartnett has a magnetic way about him that you don’t see often these days: a glow, an aura, a very specific kind of charm. There’s a soft smile on his face, but an energy pulsing from behind his eyes. It’s the kind of charm felt in any room, capable of being caught on any camera. An energy that even the biggest philistine you know could probably detect. That’s right: He feels like a goddamn movie star.

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