AJH is seeking sponsors to help defray the cost of maintaining the website. We received 84,283 page views last month and had 10,604 visits. We are interested in selling ads on the site and if you would like to learn more about it and discuss pricing, please call Christopher at 818-567-4000 or email borntodeal@gmail.com.
Added by Christopher Matthew Spencer on July 25, 2009 at 1:08pm —
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I changed our privacy settings today to permit non-members to view our site. I wanted to see how this may affect our visitor traffic. We may change it back, but I want to see if we get more sign ups if people can see what a great community this is.
Added by Christopher Matthew Spencer on July 12, 2009 at 1:25pm —
Hi everyone. I have been super duper busy these days and thank you to Annie for helping make everything "happen" while I have been distracted with work. I recently visited my friend Kathy Ireland at the signing of her new book and I have been working on company projects as well...keeping busy. The US economy continues to be a dud and I'm just racking up the bills here, not a good time for being in business! I hope you are not in the same predicament. But the goods news is that I have my health…
Added by Christopher Matthew Spencer on July 12, 2009 at 11:18am —
1 Comment
I was totally unaware that the Josh Mail was offline. Apparently we accidentally deleted the link for it...sorry guys!!
Added by Christopher Matthew Spencer on July 9, 2009 at 10:41am —
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