Absolute Josh Hartnett

The premiere fan-managed social network for Josh! Founded December 26, 1998

Since I refuse to lose the hope the movie will not be released elsewhere than Japan, I have been busy discussing it on various movie sites. And eventually I have made contact with someone who has acted in the movie alongside ... Josh.

Here an extract of our cosy little conversation ... Enjoy

Me : Have you seen it ?

X : Hi. No, haven't seen it. I'm in Los Angeles and it hasn't played here either. I acted in it a year and a half ago, but from what others have told me, my scene may have been cut. I played a recluse Josh Hartnett finds hiking in the desert. He tries to give me a pension check, as his last job before flying to Asia. It's comic relief and would be in the first few minutes of the film. You can see part of my scene in the music video: the shot with Josh driving through the desert. The complete scene has him stop, see me in the distance, chase me, but he never stops me. I don't think the full scene is in the final cut.

Me : That's very interesting. So you are an actor. How is it like to work with Josh Hartnett. Is he cool, easy to work with, did you have the opportunity to have a proper conversation with him ?

X : Josh was easy to work with. No holier-than-thou stuff. Down to earth. Both of us were focused on the scene, so we didn't do much small talk. We shot a whole day with him chasing me over sand dunes. I never stopped, but at one point, when he said he's thirsty, I handed him a water bottle... and kept hiking! It was a funny scene in an otherwise serious and violent film.

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Comment by Olivier on August 21, 2009 at 10:11am
I guess you can also check the 5-minutes Promo Real at http://www.flixster.com/movie/i-come-with-the-rain (go to Video Clips section )
Comment by Camino on August 21, 2009 at 10:08am
Thanks for the link, X, made a reference to music vid, just making sure I hadn't missed something.
Comment by Olivier on August 21, 2009 at 10:02am
Here the link to the MV : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_AH0Eyc1I0&feature=related
The scene we are referring to is the first sequence of this MV
Comment by Camino on August 20, 2009 at 5:06pm
Is there a music video, or his he referring to the trailer?
Comment by Mari Morris on August 20, 2009 at 1:59pm
i was born in Los Angeles and it's my birth place.actually i'm an actor too and i'm thinkin' josh is great boy.
Comment by Olivier on August 20, 2009 at 2:19am
You are welcome June.
Comment by Camino on August 19, 2009 at 11:25pm
Thanks for the news Oliver!

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